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The Xth Place

Syllabus for The Xth Place

In 1991, Ray Oldenburg theorized three critical social places. The home being the first place, work as the second place, and other important community building anchor spaces as the third place. The importance and popularity of third places is widely accepted. But if third places are better than second places, and thus first places, then fourth places must be even better. Building off of Arnault Morisson's work in theorizing a fourth place in digital space, this course will attempt to get ahead of the curve by theorizing better places in digital-er spaces: fifth, sixth, or maybe even the holy Xth place in which one can finally escape their trite, boring ass life.

Appropriately, this course will be entirely online. We will begin in BlueJeans meetings, progress to Slack and IRC channels, and then dwell and design in Second Life. Please remember to mute your mic when not speaking.